Have a go!
If you would like to try your hand at croquet, just to see what it’s like, give us a call and we’ll invite you down – completely free of charge – to have a go. For more information phone Maureen: 07928407027
or email
Angela Stones
Tel 079 038 04044
email: mcangen@hotmail.com
Club Secretary
Maureen Goodchild
Tel 07928 407027
email: mg22croquet@outlook.com
Stephen Killick
email: stephenkillick@me.com
Match Secretaries
Yorkshire Long League
Graham King
Tel 079 586 07917
email: Grahamh9@hotmail.com
Yorkshire Short League
Robin Edwards
e-mail: ewards@edwards25.karoo.co.uk
Tel 07500111422
Talk to us
If you would like to talk to us about your recent experience at the club, please use the feedback form below. Scan or click on the QR code.